Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ethics and Censorship

'The internet opened fresh avenue for free speech and the explosion of ideas. but in some countries loose talk is banned and many are punished for their ideas' Lisa Murray Reports. (MH 2006, p.1)

it was 10 years ago this declaration made. up to this minute, a lot of countries are experiencing restriction in freedom of speech. To name a few, Iran, China, Libya, Syria, Egypt, Vietnam, and Syria. At worst, the governments of these countries will imprison their citizen with no hesitation, these people are convicted for online offences. It is also considered normal for these countries to apply filters so the internet users will not be capable of access the banned websites. 

An extreme example is the way Chinese government filter the "so-called-offensive-words". if any of their 123 millions citizens look up for "offensive-keywords" such as "Tiananmen Square",  "Taiwanese Independence", or "Falun Gong" they will be automatically directed to a host not found page or worse, their computer will freeze for 30 minutes.

This restriction of freedom of speech is surprisingly also occur in western countries, countries which usually boast about their liberalism. European countries, United States of America, even Australia. 

In Australia, a legislation was introduced in 2000, this law serves to fine the owner of the websites  up to A$27,500 a day if they refused to delete contents which are considered as inappropriate. 

"No other comparable country has the internet censorship laws that we have, "  Irene Graham (as cited in COMM 315 Reader.)

However, this irritating rule is not helpful in protecting children from pornography. Australian government instead of crafting rules to block pornography sites, offer free filters for home computer. The government of this multicultural country also do not respect the privacy of their citizens as the use of internet for surveillance (the excuse is, in order to prevent terrorism act  :) ).

Thus, internet now is no longer a free zone for freedom of expression. But, it is now a panopticon prison building, without the building of course.

In response to this article, i am completely disagree with the way freedom of expression is restricted, especially the one that happen in Australia. i consider that it is ridiculous for the government to ban sites which they consider inappropriate but not ban those hardcore pornographic sites. whilst actually it is more important to limit the access to pornographic sites as these sites will destroy the innocence of childhood. a belief in my country is, children are like white blank pages of paper what is written in that paper is what they will be.

And using internet for surveillance in order to prevent terrorism? hahah.. that's just a silly excuse, i think Australian Government need to relax a bit, as their insecurities has already cause 1 victim in the past, Mohammed Haneef, an innocent doctor convicted as terrorist because the government think so =.= 

Overall, if the people are restricted from speaking out their mind, then there is no need for governments to exist, after all i believe in the theory of democracy that everything governments do are for the welfare of community and without community there is no government. So, government should discontinue this act as their existence is actually depends on their citizens. if all the citizens united and want to overthrow the government.. they can ^.^ easily..., see : President Suharto from indonesia :D

An introduction to Citizen Journalism

Citizen Journalists are the people who write about and advocate their communities through their postings in blogs, they do not necessarily have to posses formal journalism education (Fanselow 2009, p.24). These journalists may posts any kinds of news items, from videotapes, digital photo related to the news, to critiques about factual errors from a newspapers or mainstream media (Glaser 2006, p.1)

Advanced technology plays a very significant role in the existence of Citizen Journalism. In the meantime, excellent tools for capturing live events are affordable for the average citizen, this apparatus can simply be digital camera to video phone. These apparatus enable average citizens to make news and globally distribute it. (Glaser 2006, p.1)

Citizen journalism is very useful in distributing news especially from the restricted countries whose government restrict the freedom of speech of their citizens, to name a few, China, Iran, Libya, Tunisia, Vietnam, Syria, Egypt, users from these countries are commonly jailed if the government consider them commiting online offences
(SMH 2006, p.1)

However, not all people are very dedicated in being citizen journalists, some people use this opportunity foolishly by posting unreliable news merit. For Instance, CBS who give the users opportunity to upload news, to its user-generated site, has its generosity mistreated. Instead of posting news worthy items, one of the users posted a video about 3 women performing sexual acts on each other (Learmonth 2008, p.1)

References :

Glaser, M. 2008, Your guide to Citizen Journalism,,,
viewed 09 mARCH 2009

Fanselow, Julie. "Community blogging: The new wave of citizen journalism." National Civic Review 97.4 (Winter2008 2008): 24-29. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. [Library name], [City], [State abbreviation]. 12 Mar. 2009 .

Learmonth, Michael. "Media Morph: CBS gets a rude lesson in citizen journalism." Advertising Age 79.37 (06 Oct. 2008): 30-30. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. [Library name], [City], [State abbreviation]. 12 Mar. 2009 ., 2006, Censors some calling, In XOMM 315 Reader,, viewed 23 September 2008

Thursday, March 5, 2009


this is janice

Thursday, February 26, 2009

test only la

test 1 , test 2, test 3, tralalalla